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I am totally bored of doing business.

To be honest, I just wanna design and create. I don't care about selling. I wanna stitch, and sew, and draw, and coloring, and cut, and glue, and write, and buy cute laces and buttons, and drown in an ocean of pale colored fabrics, and sketch, and put things together, and be happy.

I don't give a damn about selling.



hi there :)
tadi nemu link blog ini di hashtag akberbdg
aku dina
lucu aja liat posting ini
karena ak malah sebaliknya
bosan dengan crafting dan lebih suka menjual :P

ak ga tau kaya gimana produk kamu
tapi ak boleh liat?
ak emang suka cari produk, dipinjam, dan ak jualin :)

emailin ke dong

check :

*sori nyamber ya hihihi

Neng Asti

Halo Dina.. An email is coming your way ;)..

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