Inspired. Totally

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So ever since I was a kid, I always want to have my own fashion label. I always want to create my own signature style. Although I went through some unfashionable phase, but I finally found my style that’s quite - well - fashionable in some ways. At least I’m comfy with it and some people find it pretty stylish (though they’re all my close friends and might say that just to make me happy :p).

Anyhoo, after few trials and few failures now I finally have my own label. Yay! It’s still new and still needs a lot of improvements here and there, but for now I’m pretty satisfied. I’m proud to call it mine, I named it ‘buni’, taken from sundanesse language meaning ‘covered’. I design longsleeves for women. In the design process, I often hit the wall. Figuratively speaking, of course. You know, if writers got ‘writer’s block’ , I got ‘buni’s block’. I won’t call it ‘designer’s block’ because I haven’t got the courage to call myself a designer. I just draw clothes and that’s it. I don’t even have a design background. I went to school of politics. AHEM. Back to the topic. What was it? Oh yeah, buni’s block.

So when I got buni’s block, I browse around the net, looking for some inspirations. Like tonight. Well, it’s not the time to design something new, yet. Our season two collection was released only a couple of weeks ago. But I feel like I gotta look for something new and fresh. Because next season I really want to improve the designs and make it more like my style.

And like Coelho said: when you really want something the universe will work with you (or something like that), I bumped into this website. And I also found her. Totally inspiring. The designs, and the pictures. I guess we will see those kind of style on season three, insyaAllah.

Anyways, aside from inspired to design new stuff, those sites inspired me for something else. Shopping. I think I’ve been a little bit lazy to dress up for quite sometimes and I guess it’s time to start to fix my look and get me back on track. Well if I’m not as beautiful as any other women, at least I gotta have a signature style. I’ve been thinking of some places to hunt some stuff down. All I gotta do is start to find a side job that will provide me the fund for shopping, heehee.

While waiting on how the inspirations work on ‘buni’ season three, please stop by on our website and check our first and second season collection. Oh yeah, if you see something you like please don’t hesitate to buy it ;).

This post might sounds like a hopeless effort to promote my label, but it is not. I’m not hopeless.


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